The Power Of Words

Children’s lives are largely made up of words - the words of their parents, loved ones and those they admire. A parent can fill his or her child’s heart with zeal for education and success in life, or destroy the spirit and future of the child with negative words. Children are word-made.

A wife can lift up the spirit of her husband with positive words of encouragement or destroy him with negative words, and vice versa. A man who has lost his job can come back home to a wife who will hug him and encourage him with words like “Don’t worry, you will get a better job”. With those words, the man will be happy and encouraged to go out there and get a better job. But she can decide to scold him and nag at him saying, “I know you are a good for nothing husband”. A few devastating words could have filled his mind with confusion, his heart with pain, and his eyes with tears. She can destroy his spirit and even cause the man to commit suicide. Words give heartache, and words give strength, comfort  and faith.
Let’s be careful of the words we use.


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