Should I Forgive?

But first of all, what does it mean, to forgive? I am glad
you asked that question. To forgive means to overlook a fault or debt. It also
means, to be no longer angry with someone over an offence committed against
Several times we claim to have forgiven people, but in the
actual fact, we have not. I've discovered that at times we don't know how hurt
we are and how unforgiven we are until something happens again. I was
discussing with a lady sometime ago. I told her that God said that I should ask
her to forgive her husband, no matter what he has done to her. She told me that
she has forgiven him long ago. She said that she has nothing against him. But
recently, she visited him and there was something he did to provoke her. She
said that was when she discovered how much she hates him and how much pain she
still feels about what he did to her. She said that she now realize that she
has not yet truly forgiven him.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest thing to do on earth. But
I've also discovered that it is one of the greatest remedy for our malady. I
know that a lot of us have been hurt, betrayed, deceived, cheated, abused,
disappointed by some people at one time or the other. Some of such offence
happened even when we were children. And over the years we have harboured
anger, bitterness, hatred and unforgiven in our heart without knowing it.
Somehow our lives might have been affected without our knowledge. It has been
scientifically proven that some organs of our bodies are emotionally induced.
This is to say that there are some organs in our bodies that are influenced by
our emotions. A woman who is unforgiven and bitter in her heart can have
difficulty in getting pregnant. When you are Unforgiven, it can affect you
psychologically and emotionally. It can cause you to withdraw from people. And
even make you to develop phobia. Being unforgiven can also be the primary cause
of some diseases and illnesses. Spiritually, a person’s spiritual growth can be
affected by being unforgiven.
God told me some time ago that there are some people who are
looking for miracles, healing and deliverance without success because they are
unforgiven. He said that they can't have what they are looking for until they
are willing to forgive wholeheartedly. Unless we release the people we have
taken captive and locked up in the prison of our heart, there are some miracles,
healing, breakthroughs that we can never receive.
The first step in bringing about healing to a wounded and
hurting heart is forgiveness.
There are some of us who are badly hurting as a result of
what somebody did to us several years ago. But the recommended remedy for such
malady is forgiveness. Job only got blessed in Job 42:10, after he had forgiven
and prayed for his friends. Also in Matthew 6:14, the Bible says that "For
if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive
you". You can see that forgiveness is a divine command.
See my friend, the fact that you are ask to forgive those
who have hurt you is primarily for your own good. If you truly love yourself,
you will forgive those who have offended you so that you can enjoy freedom. But
as long as you keep people in the prison of your heart, you also make yourself
a prisoner. An unforgiven heart is a very good breeding ground for hatred,
bitterness, revenge, anger etc. An unforgiven person will always hurt. And a
hurting person will also want to hurt other people. I beg you to forgive people
for your own sake.
After all, "To err is human, but to forgive is
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