7 Steps To Become Wise!

Wisdom does not come by chance, but by conscious effort. My primary assignment is to show you how you can become wise.

1. TALK, OBSERVE AND INTERACT WITH THE WISE: For you to become wise, you must talk, observe and interact with the wise. You don't expect to become wise by associate with fools. As iron sharpens iron, so does a man sharpen the countenance of his friend. When you walk, talk and interact with the wise, you will eventually become wise.

2. LISTENING TO PARENTS AND ELDERLY ONES: Listening to parents and elderly people can really make one wise. This is because they have gone through so many things in life. They have made mistakes and learned so much from their mistakes.

3. READING GOOD BOOKS: A lot of people find it difficult to read books. But the truth is that a lot of people share their experiences, discoveries and wisdom through books. So if you want to get wisdom, read good books.

4. LISTENING TO GOOD COUNSELLORS: When you listen to good counsel, you will get wisdom. There are counsels but there are good counsels. There are times when we get stocked and need some good advice, so that we can make good decisions. It takes a wise person to give us good counsel.

5. LEARNING FROM PAST EXPERIENCE: A lot of people make the same mistake over and over again because they refuse to learn from their past mistakes. When we make mistakes and learn from them, we will definitely become wise. We will not make the same mistake again.

6. STUDYING AND SEEKING WISDOM AT EVERY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY: Studying and seeking wisdom at every given opportunity can make you wise. When you study and take advantage of every given opportunity to learn, you will definitely find wisdom.

7. HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND READING THE BIBLE: When you have a personal relationship with the Almighty God and you read the bible, you will become wise. There are so much words of wisdom in the bible. The bible says, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. When we reverence God we will get wisdom .You can also ask God to give you wisdom. True wisdom comes from God. And we can get it if we ask Him for it.
If you follow the above steps, you will definitely become wise


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