You Can Pass The Test!

God is our architect. An
architect designs buildings. There is no good builder who starts building by
just digging the foundation of a house. No! He must first of all engage an
architect, who draws the building. It is the architect who designs and dictates
how much load the structure can possibly carry, more especially if it is a high
rise building.
Before we were ever born, God
already knew the kind of test that we will be subjected to. He says in Jeremiah
1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee". In another
place He said, "For whom He did foreknew He also predestinate"(Romans
8:29). So God already knew every test, wall, obstacle, opposition, challenge,
stumbling block that we will ever encounter before we were born. As a result of
this He designed, endowed and packaged us with all the necessary potentials we
will need for every test we will ever encounter before we were born. God knows
our capability. He knows how much pain we can bear. He knows how far we can be
stretched. He knows our elastic limits. He knows that if we are stretched
beyond our limit, we will snap. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "But
God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;
But will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to
bear it".
Whatever the test you are
going through, God sent me to tell you that you can pass the test. You can
survive the sickness. You can come out of debt. You can still be married. You
can have a good job. You can still have children. You can be blessed. You can still succeed. You can make it. You can begin again. Whatever you are going through
is just a test, and you can pass the test. You've been designed, manufactured,
packaged to pass any kind of test that you will ever encounter in life. YOU can
pass the test.
When I first started typing
this article, immediately I finished somebody's leg touch the computer socket
and the system went off. I didn't know what actually happened but I lost
everything I had typed. So I had to start all over again. Mid way to what I was
typing, the cursor refused to move. So the system had to be restarted. Again, I
lost everything the second time. I had to start all over again for the third
time. I said that the devil is a liar! I must send these words across. I don't
know who needs it. And the devil knows that God wants to address somebody, so
he was fighting to stop me from sending this article. But I made up my mind to
send it anyway. The devil is a looser! And he has lost the battle forever. I
can feel God encouraging and strengthening somebody through this article. That
condition you are in will not destroy you. You are coming out of it. The devil
can't stop you. Remember, there is no mountain that you can't climb. There is
no river you can't cross and no storm you can't weather. You can pass the test! It's just a test!
Rev. Andrew Eli
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