7 Secrets Of A Happy Family (Part 3)

5. ATTENTION: It is not enough to be at home with your family. Everybody needs attention. This is because you can be at home and yet not be at home. So it is very important for parents to give attention to their children and spouses should also give attention to their partners. When you take out time to discuss with your family, it gives them a sense of belonging. Let your family feel your presence.

6. FORGIVENESS: "To forgive", They say, "Is divine". Forgiveness is a very difficult thing to do especially when you are deeply hurt. But at the same time, it is the medicine for your malady. For any home to be happy and peaceful, forgiveness should be the lifestyle of every member of the family. Where there unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, pain, violence is a normal way of life. Forgiveness is very important for any family to enjoy peace and happiness. So all members of the family should learn to forgive. If you really want to enjoy a happy family, forgiveness is a must.

7. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY: A family where there is negligence of duties, there is always chaos and quarreling. The father should realize and carry out his responsibility, so also the mother and children. When the mother does the duties of the children and father, it stresses her out and vice versa. But when everybody is alive to his responsibility, there is happiness in the family.


Rev. Andrew Eli
For couselling and prayer call


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