7 Secrets Of A Happy Family (Part 1)

What is the world greatest need? This is a question several people have asked without answer. The world greatest need is not new technology or new ideas. It is not new medical discovery or new philosophy. It is not food, shelter or clothing. It is not the cure of H.I.V./A.I.D.S or other deadly diseases. Neither is it more money nor great leaders. We have seen these things over and over again. In fact, the Bible says, "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). New ideas, philosophies, technology, fashion etc. will come and go. In fact, with time they will become out dated and old fashioned.

As I travel from place to place and meet different people from different race, culture and background, I've discovered that majority of the people all over the world irrespective of race, colour, educational and social status want a peaceful and happy home. Most of the problems we have today in our society are being cause by people from a broken or unhappy home.
A happy and peaceful home does not come by wishful thinking. It does not happen by chance or positive confession. A peaceful and happy home is not bought with money neither is it gotten by fame or power. A happy family is as a result of the collective effort of every member of the family.

Most people who are drunks, criminals, drug addict, homosexuals, promiscuous and those who are a threat to society are from broken or unhappy homes. This is because they take up these social vices as an escape route.
Some people think that money can bring happiness in a home. In as much as money is very important, it can't buy happiness. It can buy beautiful houses but not a happy home. It can buy food but not appetite. It can buy good cars but not a happy home. Money can buy latest electronic gadgets but not a happy home. I've seen real wealthy families get divorced. Money wasn't the issue there. They were not happy in the marriage so they thought; the best bet is to break up. Some years ago, I heard about a wealthy man whose wife had sex with their gardener. Such things happen every day all around the world.
Many marriages today are ending up in divorce and children are running away from home mainly because they are not happy at home.
Just like I said earlier, a happy and peaceful home does not happen by chance or wishful thinking. It does not happen by positive confessions. It actually takes the conscious effort of every member of the family. This leads us to the question, "What makes for a happy home?"

1Faithfulness: In any marriage where there is infidelity; distrust, heart break and pain is a normal phenomenon. But when spouses are faithful to each other there will be no need for suspicion and distrust. Joy and peace will be enjoyed by the couple and even other members of the family. This is because when the parents are unhappy, there is usually a chain reaction. Somehow everybody is affected. But faithfulness brings about peace and happiness.
2. Love: For any family to stick together, love is a very important ingredient. Love is what holds the family together. In times of trouble and difficulty, love prevails. In any family where there is love; peace, harmony and happiness is usually enjoyed...



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