The Purpose Of Life Challenges
Just as precious stones can only be polished with friction, so our lives are perfected through the trials and challenges that come our way. If we had our choice, we would prefer to go through life without any struggles. We will all prefer an easy life. But the struggles and challenges we go though actually serve a purpose. They help us grow and develop into stronger, wiser and experienced people.
Instead of us to let challenges weigh us down, we should rather be determined to overcome them. Difficulties in life are inevitable, sooner or later we all experience our person "Hell and high waters". Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble...". John 16:33. This is to say that challenges in life are certainties. Challenges in life are not prejudice, they come to the rice, poor, black, white, educated, illiterates, big or small. Challenges of life comes to one and all. But Jesus also said "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". For you to overcome life challenges, you need Jesus to help you.
Challenges of life can either make you or break you. They can either destroy you or strengthen you. It all depends on how you handle them. One thing I know about challenges is that God will not allow a challenge that we can not handle come to us. So in times of challenges, the best bet is to go back to God who made you and ask for help to overcome your challenge.
Challenges if properly handled brings out the best in us, like the polishing of a precious stone. Just as gold passes through the fire to be purified and appreciated, so are difficult times. No difficult situation is ever sweet, but if we continue to hold on and trust God, we will definitely come out better, stronger, wiser and with a testimony.
Rev. Andrew Eli
For counseling and prayer
Call +2348036725379
Instead of us to let challenges weigh us down, we should rather be determined to overcome them. Difficulties in life are inevitable, sooner or later we all experience our person "Hell and high waters". Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble...". John 16:33. This is to say that challenges in life are certainties. Challenges in life are not prejudice, they come to the rice, poor, black, white, educated, illiterates, big or small. Challenges of life comes to one and all. But Jesus also said "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". For you to overcome life challenges, you need Jesus to help you.
Challenges of life can either make you or break you. They can either destroy you or strengthen you. It all depends on how you handle them. One thing I know about challenges is that God will not allow a challenge that we can not handle come to us. So in times of challenges, the best bet is to go back to God who made you and ask for help to overcome your challenge.
Challenges if properly handled brings out the best in us, like the polishing of a precious stone. Just as gold passes through the fire to be purified and appreciated, so are difficult times. No difficult situation is ever sweet, but if we continue to hold on and trust God, we will definitely come out better, stronger, wiser and with a testimony.
Rev. Andrew Eli
For counseling and prayer
Call +2348036725379
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