Down But Not Out!

Once in a while, we all get knocked down in one area of our life or the other. Our struggle in life is such that some times we win, while other times we lose. There are times we are down in our health, finance, spirituality, job, marriage, family, emotion, relationships, business, e.t.c. It is not our being knocked down that is really the problem but our attitude when we are down. There are people who become hopeless, frustrated, depressed and afraid to try to get up again, when they are knocked down. 

Your being knocked down does not mean that you are finished. It does not mean that you are a failure. It is not the end of the road. It only means that you are not perfect. It only means that you are not there yet. The devil is a liar! I have good news for you. "You can rise again!” The Bible says, "For the righteous man may fall seven times and rise again"(Proverbs 24:32).
I don't know the area of your life where you've been knocked down. It might be in your health, finance, spiritual walk with God, marriage, business, job, family, etc. But that is not the end of life. This is because you can be down and yet not be defeated.
A defeated person is only a person who remains down after being knocked down. But as long as you have the desire and the tenacity to rise up again, you can never be defeated. You might have been knocked down by life but you are not yet defeated. You can still rise up again. I say to you this day, "ARISE FROM WHEREVER YOU'VE FALLEN!” Isaiah 60:1 says, "Arise and shine for your light is come, for the glory of the LORD is risen upon you".
God can still raise you up again from wherever you've fallen. God can restore your relationship with HIM, He can restore your finance, He can restore your health, your marriage, job, business or whatever area of your life that is down. You are down does not mean that you are defeated. You may be down but you are not out.
My prayer is that God should raise you again in whatever area of your life that is down.


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