One Thing A Man Owes His Wife

One important thing a man owes his wife is protection. There
are several areas a man is expected to protect his wife, which are as follows
1. A man is
supposed to protect his wife from insult and abuse from children, family
members or outsiders. In Africa it is believed that a woman is married not just
to her husband but also to his entire family. This believe most times create
the opportunity for the man's family member to interfere with their
relationship, as much as even coming to insult and beat up the woman. This
ought not to be so. The man is supposed to protect his wife from insult, abuse
and battering from anybody no matter what she has done.
2. A man is
expected to protect his wife from over labour. There are cultures where women
are regarded as men's properties as such they are to do all the domestic work
while the man who is regarded as the king of the house, sits down to drink and
watch her and complain about areas where she is not doing well. This causes the
woman to wear out rapidly. This ought not to be so; the man is expected to
assist the woman in domestic work whenever he can. Especially, when the
children are not around. But this does not mean that the woman should take it
for granted.
3. A man
should protect his wife from over bearing children. Especially in Africa where
men breed children like chicken. Some men will want their wives to have 8, 10,
or even 15 children as the case may be. Some men in Africa want to have many
children because they are rich. While others want to have many children so that
they can help them in farming and other jobs. Some also like to have many
children for fear that some may die. It is believed that if they are many, some
of them will survive premature death. Another reason why African men like
having many children is due to their quest for male children. They want their wives
to continue to bear children until a male child is born. Yet, some will want to
have many children because they are the only child of their parent, as such
they want to make up for the children their parent didn't have. When a woman
gives birth to too many children, she ages faster in comparison with other
women who bore just three to four children.
Men should protect their wives from this because sometimes
the pressure to have a male child or have many children comes from the man's
relatives. It is very important for men to protect their wives so that they
will look younger stronger and healthier.
4. A man
should always protect his wife in times of trouble. This is because women go
through so much that they just need their husbands to be there for them. Some
times the man allows the woman to suffer alone especially if she is the cause of
the problem. But the man is expected to protect his wife in times of trouble no
matter what. She is his other half. So whatever trouble she is going through,
he should be a partaker.
When a woman is not given protection by her husband, she
becomes vulnerable to outsider. This is a very dangerous state for the family.
This is because what affects her, affects the entire family.
Rev. Andrew Eli
For Counselling and prayer
Call +2348036725379
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