This Or That?

Life is all about choices. Every day we are faced with numerous choices. The choice we make can either make or break us. There are good and bad choices. Each decision we make will go a long way to affect our lives positively or negatively. The choices we make today not only affect us today, but also affect our tomorrow. So it is very important to know to how to make good decision. Not any decision, but good decisions.
The following are steps you need to take in making good decisions:
1. GET ADEQUATE INFORMATION: Before making any important decision, try and get adequate information about whatever you want to decide on. Because of lack of information, a lot of people have made decisions that they later regretted, saying if they had had the information they had now, they wouldn't have made the foolish decision they made10 years ago. Lack of information brings about deformation. There are some people who would not have married the man they call their husband if they had gotten certain information earlier.

2. TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't be in a hurry to make a decision: 90% of people who make decisions in a hurry, make them in error. Whenever you have a very important decision to make, take some time to think through it. "Sleep over it". Don't rush into making an important decision especially, marriage. This is because it usually have long time effect.

3. SEEK GUIDANCE: Whenever you are faced with an important decision. Seek guidance from people who have been there before you. Seek guidance from experienced people. This is because they will help you avoid the mistake they had made in time past.

4. DON'T JUST MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON OTHER PEOPLE SUCCESSES: There are people who decide to be doctors because some other person succeeded as a doctor. We are all differently made. What worked for one person, may not work for the other. Find out what works for you. Find out what you are good at.

5. TAKE AWAY FEAR: "Fear" they say, "has torment". When you are afraid, you can hardly make a good decision. A lot of people make bad and irrational decisions out of fear. Fear incapacitate. When you are afraid, you cannot think straight. Fear of the unknown has made some people miss great opportunities. People have married the wrong persons out of fear. Some remain in the same old frustrating job because they are afraid to leave. When you are afraid, you hardly can make any good decision. The fear of failure and the fear of the unknown have prevented a lot of people from making decisions that would have made them great.

6. DON'T MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON EMOTION: You should not make your decision base on your emotion because emotions can change with time and circumstance. For example don't just marry a lady or man because you fell in love with him or her at first, sight without having any adequate information about the person. There are some things you will know about a person that will change whatever feelings you have for the person. If you love a person but later discover that he or she is a thief and a serial killer, I bet you, it will affect your love for that person, so in the area of marriage try to know more of the person and also If you are compatible because with time, these factors will play a major role in your relationship.

7. TIMING: Timing is very important in decision making. You must know when to take an important decision. This is because if you make a good decision at a wrong time, it's as good as not making a decision. For example, If a woman decides to have a baby sixty, it's a good decision to have a baby but the time isn't right because of her age. There are some people who don't know when to make a decision. They don't know when to quit. They stay until things go worst before thinking of quitting. Even as a farmer, if you decide to plant a good seed at a wrong time, you will not get a good harvest. So it is very important to know when to make decisions.

8. PRAYER: There some decisions that you need to pray before taking; especially, if the decision is a very important one. Like the old saying goes, "Everything that glitters, is not gold". There are some decisions that need super natural intervention for you to decide rightly. The best bet is to go to God who knows everything for guidance, so as to know what decision to make; especially when you are faced with multiple options; for example, who to marry or an investment opportunity. You need God to help you make good decision.
Life is all about decisions. The decisions we make today will affect us tomorrow. It's not just only making decisions that matter,  but what is important is how to make good decisions.

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