
Showing posts from July, 2018

7 Secrets Of A Happy Family (Part 2)

3. MUTUAL RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER:  In every family where there is mutual respect for each other, fighting and quarreling is reduced to the barest minimum. In any family where there is mutual respect; abuse of all kind, tension and friction are drastically reduced. When a wife respects her husband and a husband respects his wife and the children also respect their parents and vice vassal, there is usually mutual understanding and peace and happiness becomes a normal way of life. 4. SPENDING TIME TOGETHER:  Time is one of the world most valuable assets. With the quest for money and fat bills to pay, married couples spend less time with their spouses and children. They have replace quality time with each other with TV, DVD and video games. Married couples travel extensively, work late into the night and come back fagged out, only to eat and go to bed. Repeat the same circle for weeks, months and years doing the same thing over and over again, while the family suffers. A lot...

7 Secrets Of A Happy Family (Part 1)

W hat is the world greatest need? This is a question several people  have asked without answer. The world greatest need is not new technology or new ideas. It is not new medical discovery or new philosophy. It is not food, shelter or clothing. It is not the cure of H.I.V./A.I.D.S or other deadly diseases. Neither is it more money nor great leaders. We have seen these things over and over again. In fact, the Bible says, "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). New ideas, philosophies, technology, fashion etc. will come and go. In fact, with time they will become out dated and old fashioned. As I travel from place to place and meet different people from different race, culture and background, I've discovered that majority of the people all over the world irrespective of race, colour, educational and social status want a peaceful and happy home. Most of the problems we have today in our society are being cause by people from a broken or unhappy home. ...

5 Problems Teenagers Face

So many children these days are faced with diverse kinds of problems. But the unfortunate thing is that most parents don't even have the faintest idea of what their teenage children are going through. I will state some problems that I have been opportune to know as I interact with them. The following are problems teenagers face. 1. BULLYING AT SCHOOL: There are lots of children who are being bullied at school by other kids and threatened not to tell anyone or will be severely dealt with. If your child comes home looking frightened and acting strange, as a parent you need to ask the kid some questions. But you must have a good relationship with the child for him or her to open up to you. Sometime ago a father called me to come and find out why his some doesn't want to go to school again. The boy was insisting that his dad should change his school. The dad asked him several times why he wants to go to another school but the boy refuse to say anything. So the man calle...

The Grave Of Opportunities

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunities are buried Procrastination is the thief of time. Procrastination is the devil’s delight. Procrastination is born out of fear of uncertainties. For the longer you gaze at it, the bigger it be becomes. The lazier a person becomes, the more he is doing to do tomorrow. Do not keep till tomorrow what you can do today. Do not procrastinate. Take action! Do it “NOW”!

Be Hopeful!

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is,” Jeremiah . 17:7. To be hopeful, is to be full of hope. It means to be full of positive expectations. A hopeful man can never be frustrated, because he believes that tomorrow will be good. Hope has the ability to help people heal. Individuals, who maintain hope, especially when battling illness, significantly enhance their chances of recovery. G. K. Chesterton said, “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.” Yolanda DeLoach wrote, “We can lose important things like jobs, loved ones, pets and health. These loses are devastating and push us to our limits. But we press on and adjust to life. There's one thing, that if lost there is no pressing on. If we lose this, we become broken. Suffering, pain and despair are a part of the human experience. Our faith in God can be questioned or even shattered. We can feel disconn...

The Purpose Of Life Challenges

J ust as precious stones can only be polished with friction, so our lives are perfected through the trials and challenges that come our way. If we had our choice, we would prefer to go through life without any struggles. We will all prefer an easy life. But the struggles and challenges we go though actually serve a purpose. They help us grow and develop into stronger, wiser and experienced people. Instead of us to let challenges weigh us down, we should rather be determined to overcome them. Difficulties in life are inevitable, sooner or later we all experience our person "Hell and high waters". Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble...". John 16:33. This is to say that challenges in life are certainties. Challenges in life are not prejudice, they come to the rice, poor, black, white, educated, illiterates, big or small. Challenges of life comes to one and all. But Jesus also said "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". For you to overc...