Best Way To Enhance male Sexual Performance

The sexual satisfaction of married couple go a long way in enhancing their relationship. The root cause of most problems in marriages can be traced to sex. Either the man is sexually dysfunctional or the woman don't enjoy it. When a man is sexually effective, he feels proud, it increases his confidence and he feels sexually fulfilled but if he is sexually dysfunctional, it affects his ego. He feels frustrated, incompetent and begin to have the feeling of low self esteem. The woman in turns feels unsatisfied and begins to desire other men outside. Funny enough, most couple don't like to talk about this. This see it as their private problem. They pretend as if everything is fine but they are crying inside. Research has proven that most sexual enhanced drugs and pills have side effects. The best way to solve sexual dysfunction especially in men is to eat fresh fruits. Some of them are listed below 1. RAW ONIONS: Research say, fresh onion juice increases testosterone. A mixt...